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FLP Articles and Blog Archive

The Curse of the Unscheduled Walkup Party – The Unscheduled “Walk-up” Party is dead weight for quality party brands. Unscheduled birthday parties are walk up guests that have not booked a formal birthday party package, but want to buy food, attractions and occupy a dining space, to host their own party. They will enter your facility in a group, carrying presents, holding a birthday cake and possibly table decorations. They may group tables together, drop their stuff and occupy sections of your dining area for long periods of time. Read More…

When People Become The Attraction –  Why don’t companies realize that the goal of good service, an efficient, task based service strategy is only average today? Wouldn’t you rather ….create stronger relationship with your guests …build emotional capital and brand equity …turn guests into brand “Evangelists” and make price less relevant? Read More…